Archive for January 2021

A modest update to Harvey's Y-DNA

Category: DNA

I logged into FamilyTreeDNA today, something I hadn't done for quite some time, and noticed that Harvey has travelled down the Y-DNA haplotree a couple of more branches. This would be because there have been new people taking the test. Previously, Harvey was located at S18890 but now he has moved through FT161969 to BY100453.

What does this mean? Well, not a lot at this stage except that it's encouraging to know that others are still interested in taking the Big-Y DNA test. The FT161969 > BY100453 in Cornwall (Harvey's line) is a long thin line with parallel Dutch and Finnish lines going back to 450 AD and it may be Norman. We still await a Barnes man from Cornwall, or elsewhere, to give Harvey a closer match.

Section of the Y-haplotree showing Harvey's BY100453 subclade
Section of the Y-haplotree showing Harvey's BY100453 subclade

See more on Harvey's Y-DNA here

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