Over the past few days I've been busy revamping my
Hibbitt Family History website and some of you may have noticed that I've rebranded it slightly: - it's now called '
Hibbitt & Barnes Family History' but it's important to mention that the website address hasn't changed. The site remains at
www.hibbitt.org.uk and, to give it a fresh look, I've changed the image(s) at the top of the pages, as well as on the blog itself too.
The majority of the old website structure is still in place with one or two alterations. As always, the
Sitemap page will help you get around.
The reason for the change: - I've recently begun looking into my husband, Harvey's, ancestry and have already uploaded a very basic tree for his
So, what's changed?
One of the first things you'll notice when you come to my
Home page is the page is a little shorter and now, near the top, there's a pretty graphic with a link to our Family Trees entry page. The Site Search box can be found further down the page but the
Search page itself is still available from the Search link in the navigation bar so it can be accessed from any page you happen to be on. I've also moved the 'Latest Blog Headlines' further down and removed my family names from the Home page and, instead, created a new page with an
Overview of my Hibbitt Family.
The eagle-eyed amongst you may recall that I used to have a link in the navigation bar entitled 'family tree'. This has now become '
Families'. Click on this link and you'll reach the entry point for both of our HIBBITT and BARNES family trees together with another Site Search box. Further down this page you'll find the instructions that used to reside on the Home page of 'how to explore our family trees' and there are also links to the family pages belonging to all four sets of our grandparents, in case you want to begin navigating our trees from there.
Photo Gallery,
Guestbook and
Shop remain the same and the
Resources section and
Contact page have seen only minor alterations.
Feel free to take a peek and let me know what you think.
Harvey's tree is still very modest, if you think you might be related to him, please do
get in touch. His Barnes, Thomas, Wright, Harvey, Reynolds, Dawes and Treleaven side lived in Newlyn and Paul in Penzance, Cornwall. The Smith family had ties with Selkirk and Dumfries. The Ellen side lived in Seaham Harbour, Durham, but had connections with London and India, and the Bydens and Gardners also lived in London.
[Why Sorting Saturday? This phrase has been included in the title in order to take part in Blogging Prompts at Geneabloggers]
[Note: All content on the Hibbitt Family History website and blog is copyrighted. Click here for conditions of use.]