Ancestor Approved Award
Category: General

This award was created by Leslie Ann Ballou of the Ancestors Live Here blog. Recipients are asked to list ten surprising, humbling or enlightening aspects of their research and to pass it along to ten other bloggers who they feel are doing their ancestors proud.
So here's my starter for ten, with a slight twist...
- It's official! I'm a genealogy anorak. And to think I was going to trace my family inside 14 days with Ancestry's free trial!
- My 4 x great-grandfather left over £24,000 in 1860 (getting on for a double millionaire today). Now I need to know, what became of the money?
- Since taking up blogging, there's been no time for actual research. Duh!!
- Victorians weren't so straight-laced as they'd like to have made out they were.
- What did happen to all the money?
- I simply adore stomping about in wet graveyards with soggy socks and the wrong shoes.
- And what joy there is waiting for Mr. Postie to deliver that certificate with all the answers, only to leave you with a load more questions.
- No really, where did the money go? Just kidding! Lol
- I don't know about enlightening moments, I think I've had my share of senior moments.
- Now was she my third cousin, three times removed or my second cousin, four times removed? Scrub that, we're related by marriage!
- Audrey at The Family Recorder
- Caroline at Caro's Family Chronicles
- Rosemary at London Roots Research
- Brian at One Pilot's War
- Jennifer at Climbing My Family Tree > One Branch at at Time
- CeCe at Your Genetic Genealogist
- Lorlee at Dear Annie...
- Emily at Writing Your Memories
- Miles at Miles' Genealogy Tips
- Lidian at The Virtual Dime Museum