1946 -
Mabel Annie Jane Fryer (nee Lewis) died 65 years ago and was buried in
Chepstow Municipal Cemetery three days later. She was 60 years old.
1905 -
Mary Jane Pitcher died this day in 1905, aged 57, and was buried with her sister and parents in the
churchyard at Woolaston in Gloucestershire.
1821 -
Hannah Dando, daughter of Nathaniel Dando and his first wife, Hannah (nee Langston), was born 190 years ago.
1853 -
Catherine Emma Dando, was born on 8th August 1853. She was the daughter of my 3 x great-grandparents, Joseph Dando & Harriet Catherine (nee Williams). Catherine was probably named after her mother (Catherine) and her aunt Emma.
1922 - 89 years ago,
David Anthony Hibbitt (Tony) was born in the district of Devonport, Plymouth, Devon.
1836 -
Edward Warren & Hannah Fryer were married in St Mary the Virgin's Church, Arlingham, Gloucestershire, 175 years ago this day. Hannah was the daughter of my 5 x great-grandfather, John Fryer, and his second wife, Caroline (originally Browning).
1960 - my 2 x great-aunt,
Edith Ellen Martin, died at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, at 43 Crelake Park in Tavistock, Devon, with whom she'd lived for more than 30 years after the death of her husband. Edith was 87 years old when she died. She and her husband had two children but they also took in my gran, Phyllis Grace Weaver, an orphan, after Phyllis' own grandmother, who'd been taking care of her, died.
1872 - my 2 x great-grandparents
William Henry Weaver (Harry) & Jane Arnold were married in Winsham in Somerset, 139 years ago this day. On the 1871 census, Harry was shown as working as a journeyman shoemaker in Broadwinsor (about 5 miles from Winsham) so this may well have been where the couple met, although Jane was originally from Nuneaton.
1836 - 175 years ago,
James Smale & Elizabeth Horn, my 4 x great-grandparents, were married in st Mary's Church, Black Torrington, Devon. Elizabeth was probably pregnant at the time as their first child, Fanny, was baptized about 3 months later.

St Mary's Church, Black Torrington
1821 - fifteen years earlier, Elizabeth's uncle,
John Rigsby Horn, had died at the age of 46 and was buried in the churchyard at Black Torrington.
1880 -
Amos Hibbitt, my 3 x great-grandfather died at Melbourne Terrace, Friston Street, Lady Wood, Birmingham, 131 years ago. He died of phthisis (most likely tuberculosis or consumption) which he'd been suffering from for 4 months.
1853 -
Mariana Dando, the grand-daughter of Joseph Dando (above) was born in Camden, New Jersey, USA. Both born in the same year, neither Joseph's daughter, Catherine Emma (above), or grand-daughter, Mariana, survived to see out 1854.
1901 - my 2 x great-uncle,
Philip Henry Smale, was born 110 years ago in Okehampton, Devon.
1843 -
Ann Pitcher, daughter of my 5 x great-grandparents, Benjamin Pitcher & Margaret (nee Worgan), died 168 years ago this day and was buried at Woolaston, Gloucestershire, 4 days later. Ann may have been buried inside the church as the Woolaston Village History Group, recorded the following details...
Altar Tomb.
Top In memory of Ann Pitcher Spinster of this Parish who died August 14th 1843 aged 66 Years
North Dedicated To the Memory of JOHN WORGAN of this Parish ..Febr ... Also WILLIAM ...
South TO THE MEMORY of Deborah Worgan of this Parish who departed this Life the 13th Day of ... 1837 Aged 93 years.
Some of the altar tombs at Woolaston were once inside the church, but when the latter was remodelled in the 19th century they were either rebuilt outside or dismantled and used for such things as providing hard-standing outside the church porch, lining a septic tank, farm kitchen floors and one was even found in a patio. Buried with Ann, were two of her uncles and an aunt.
1938 - my grandparents
William Hellyer Geake & Phyllis Grace Weaver were married in St Eustachius Church in Tavistock, Devon and it would have been their 71st wedding anniversary. My gran was given away by her cousin, William John Martin (Jack), who was like a brother to her as she'd been brought up by his parents.