Archive for September 2013

Thankful Thursday: Those Elevenses Moments

Category: Sharing Memories

Coffee BreakWhen I was a girl, I would sometimes go to Tavistock in the school holidays to stay with my grandparents, William Hellyer Geake & Phyllis Grace Geake (nee Weaver). Grandpa would often be at work so I'd be at home with gran.

One of the highlights of the day was Elevenses. Mid-morning, gran would stop whatever she was doing and sit down with me with a cup of coffee and I'd have a cocoa or some other hot drink. A biscuit or two and a game of cards would often crop up too.

It wasn't for the refreshments that Elevenses was so special (nice as they were) but this was my time with my gran and that was what made it so special.

[Why Thankful Thursday? This phrase has been included in the title in order to take part in Daily Blogging Prompts at Geneabloggers]

[Note: All content on the Hibbitt Family History website and blog is copyrighted. Click here for conditions of use.]

Military Monday: Great-grandfather's wartime story is published

Category: Sharing Memories

Exciting news! I was recently invited to write a few articles about my family history research for the Discover Your History magazine, a brand new publication due to be launched on 5th September. Published each month, the magazine will focus on family and social history and all aspects of heritage.

My first article is appearing in the first issue and tells the story of my great-grandfather, Henry James Weaver, who was accidentally killed during the First World War.