New Download in the Shop - Hodgecombe Farm, Uley, Glos.

Hodgecombe Farm was once the home of Benjamin Pitcher and his wife, Sarah (nee Rice), during the 19th century. Afterwards, the farm passed to their eldest son, James Rice Pitcher, and his wife, Ann (nee Powell).

Hodgecombe Farm Auctioneer's DetailsThe Online Shop now contains a 2 document bundle with information about Hodgecombe Farm...
  • 1971 Auctioneer's Details - a transcript of the auctioneer's brochure when Hodgecombe Farm was advertised for sale in 1971. (4 pages)
  • Hodgecombe Farm, A Brief History - a short account of the history of Hodgecombe Farm with 4 modern-day photographs. (1 page)

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My name is Carolyne Moran nee(Pitcher) I am the youngest great grandaughter of Ann Powell. I have been trying to get photos or information regarding Hodgecombe Farm. I certainly would appreciate any thing you may have.

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