Family Recipe Friday: Hodge-Podge

(From the SOUPS section of my gran's 1894 publication of 'Mrs Beeton's Cookery Book and Household Guide' - see this post for more information.)


INGREDIENTS.-2 lbs. shin of beef, 3 quarts water, 1 pint table-beer, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 2 turnips, 1 head celery, pepper and salt, thickening of butter and flour.

Mode.-Put the meat, beer, and water in a stewpan ; simmer for a few minutes, and skim. Add the vegetables and seasoning ; stew gently till the meat is tender. Thicken with butter and flour, and serve with turnips and carrots, or spinach and celery.

Time, 3 hours, or rather more. Average cost, 6d. per quart. Sufficient for 8 persons.

[Why Family Recipe Friday? This phrase has been included in the title in order to take part in Daily Blogging Prompts at Geneabloggers]

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Category: Mrs Beeton's Cookery Books

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So...have you tried it? :-)
No, I haven't tried it Theresa but it looks like one of the more palatable recipes in the book!

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