Too many distractions in family history

Regular followers will notice I haven't posted to my blog for a few weeks. This is partly because I've been busy with other things. However, I've still been engaged in certain family history pursuits.

Many of you will recognise the different facets that our hobby can consist of; researching online, visiting archives, visiting ancestral places and graveyards, scanning and archiving documents and photographs, etc.

I've recently been engaged in rummaging around in four old boxes which contain personal effects of my husband's grandfather, Air Cdre Cyril Norman Ellen D.F.C. Two boxes contain photographs and the others contain a variety of papers and objects. It's quite a distraction and there's lots there that I need to index and scan – a major project in itself!

I will, however, try to get back on track with progressing my own family tree and hopefully you'll hear from me again shortly.

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