Travel Tuesday: Land's End and the First & Last House

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The previous slide which I posted from Grandpa's collection showed the most easterly point of the UK, Lowestoft. Now I'm posting a photo of the most westerly point on mainland England, Land's End in Cornwall. My gran, Ivy Alice Hibbitt (nee Dando), is sitting in the group of four in the foreground on the left of the photo. The First & Last House can be seen in the background. Nowadays, the area has been turned into a commercial enterprise but this photo was probably taken some time during the 1950's when it was much more open and accessible.
(From my grandpa's collection of old slides - see this post for more information.)
[Why Travel Tuesday? This phrase has been included in the title in order to take part in Daily Blogging Prompts at Geneabloggers]
Category: Grandpa's Old Slides