Those Places Thursday: Planned Plymouth History Centre - have your say!

You can have your say in the plans for the intended Plymouth Historic and Cultural Centre by completing an online survey which is available at You don't need to live in Plymouth, or even in Devon or the UK, to participate in the survey so if you have an interest in Plymouth's heritage, then please get involved. The closing date for completing the survey is 27th October.

Full details of the planned project, agreed by the City Council on 3rd September 2013, can be found here.

For Plymouth locals there will be a 'pop-up museum' in the Drake Circus Shopping Mall where you can forward your ideas. The pop-up museum will be in the atrium (outside Starbucks and Primark) from 10am until 4pm on Saturday 26, Sunday 27, Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 October. Read more here.

Pop-Up Museum Banner

[Why Those Places Thursday? This phrase has been included in the title in order to take part in Daily Blogging Prompts at Geneabloggers]

[Note: All content on the Hibbitt & Barnes Family History website and blog is copyrighted. Click here for conditions of use.]

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