Website Updates in 2009
The complete list of changes to the Hibbitt Family History website in the year 2009 (imported from the old 'What's New' page on the main web site).......
24th December 2009
Family Tree - Added to the family of William Henry Weaver (b. 1848) and Jane Arnold and also the father and grandparents of Jane. Also added the children and grandchildren of Thomas Fryer (1802-1878) and Sarah Saunders.
10th December 2009
Movies section - Added the video of Sunrise over the Black Mountains under the Fryer / Pitcher heading.
5th December 2009
Gallery section - Added the 'People - (Individuals)' collection to the Gallery and...
Added the following albums within the 'People - (Individuals)' section:
26th November 2009
Movies section - Added the video of St Andrew's Church, Alvington under the Worgan heading.
25th November 2009
Movies section - Added the video of St Peter's Church at Peter Tavy under the Geake heading. Revised the video of Arlingham under the Pitcher/Fryer/Taysum heading.
17th November 2009
Gallery section - Added the a few more images to the 'Arlingham, Gloucestershire' album within the 'Places' section.
14th November 2009
Gallery section - Added the following album within the 'Graves & Memorials' section:
Chepstow, Monmouthshire - Chepstow Municipal Cemetery
9th November 2009
Family Tree - Added the family of Richard Fryer (abt. 1845-1878) and wife, Rebecca (nee Fisher) together with the spouse's and children of their children. Also, the family of John Augustine Fryer (abt 1856-1942) and wife, Mary Ann Julia (nee Girling). Also added the wife, Prudence (nee Gower), and children of John Fryer (abt 1794-1864).
26th October 2009
Family Tree - Added the family of Henry Richard Fryer (abt. 1819-1867) and wife, Ellen Elizabeth (nee Tyler). Also, added Ellen's parents, Charles Tyler & Mary (nee Price), and her siblings. Added children for John Fryer (abt 1817-1892) and his wife, Sarah (nee Watkins). Also added the husband (C J Metcalfe) and family of Louisa Dando (b 1811).
Gallery section - Added the following album within the 'Places' collection:
Black Torrington, Devon
And the following albums within the 'Graves & Memorials' section:
Arlingham, Gloucestershire - St Mary the Virgin's Church & Churchyard
Arlington Virginia USA - Arlington National Cemetery
Plymouth, Devon - Drake Memorial Park
Plymouth, Devon - Plymouth Naval Memorial
Tavistock, Devon - Tavistock War Memorial
Reports - Updated the paternal tree reports to include the latest changes.
16th October 2009
Family Tree - Added wife and children of John Worgan Pitcher (b. abt 1806).
30th September 2009
Gallery section - Created a brand new Gallery section containing the following albums within the 'Places' collection:
Arlingham, Gloucestershire
Arlingham, Gloucestershire - St Mary the Virgin's Church
Coaley, Gloucestershire
Rockhampton, Gloucestershire
16th September 2009
Family Tree - Added details of the family of Benjamin Fryer Pitcher (1835-1894), wife, Miriam Bennett, and children. Also added details for James Rice Pitcher (1803-1863) and wife Ann Powell, and their two children, James George Pitcher, (and his wife, Annie Nolan, and her parents) and Laura Helen Pitcher. Also, Ann Powell's two illegitimate children (Amelia Ann Powell and her husband, Walter Smith, and their children) and William H Pitcher. Also added details for the children of Elizabeth Pitcher (b. abt 1812). Also added Alfred Chudley, the illegitimate child of Alfred Joseph Hibbitt, and his mother, Florence E Bartlett.
Reports - Updated the paternal tree reports to include the latest changes.
9th September 2009
Photos section - Added photographs of the Golden Wedding of James Geake & Sarah Geake (nee Hellyer) to Geake/Hellyer heading.
7th September 2009
Family Tree - Started the biography for James Geake (1881-1956). Also added biographies for Deborah Worgan (1743-1837 and Edward Worgan (1747-1815).
31st August 2009
Photos section - Added more photographs to the ss Great Britain photo page under the Barnes/Oliver heading.
Family Tree - Altered the 'surnames' (family pages) link in the navigation bar to 'family tree'.
Reports - Updated the paternal tree reports and reports for ancestors of C G Hibbitt & I A Dando once again to include the latest changes.
29th August 2009
Family pages - Added the biography of Richard Fryer (abt. 1663-1710).
Resources - Fryer Miscellany section - Updated the story of 6 generations of Fryers of Overton.
21st August 2009
Resources - Fryer Miscellany section - Created this new section under the Resources area. Added the story of 6 generations of Fryers of Overton and also images of Fryer signatures from historical documents.
18th August 2009
Family pages - Added some extra information to the biographies of Richard Fryer (abt. 1730-1792) and John Fryer (abt. 1695-1757). Added additional children for Thomas King and wife, Margaret, and also for Richard Fryer (abt. 1663-1710) and wife, Mary. Added additional children for William Free (abt. 1723-1799) and wife, Elisabeth Fincham. Added parents of William Free (John & Esther Free).
11th August 2009
Family pages - Converted the names of my direct line so that their Christian names, as well as their surnames, are in capital letters. Started a biography for John Fryer (abt. 1695-1757) and added additional children for him and wife, Mary King. Added some extra information to the biography of Richard Fryer (abt. 1730-1792). Also added a short biography for Richard's brother, also Richard (died abt. 1729).
6th August 2009
Family pages - Added more information to the biography of Amos Hibbitt (1808-1880) and a note about his death also in Mary Ann Hibbitt (nee Pitcher)'s biography. Started a biography for Richard Fryer (abt. 1730-1792) and updated the biography for John Fryer (abt. 1762-1816), Richard Fryer (abt 1792-1862), Mary Ann Fryer and Daniel Bailey Pitcher. Added additional children for John Fryer (abt 1762-1816) & his wife, Carolina Hall (nee Browning), also children for Carolina and her first husband, William Hall and parents for Carolina. Also added additional children for Richard Fryer (abt 1730-1792) & his wife, Mary Harvey.
Movies section - Added some additional explanation to the video page of Arlingham taken from Barrow Hill.
28th July 2009
Family pages - Added the biography for John Fryer (1762-1816) and inserted some additional information into the biography of Richard Fryer (1792-1862). Added brief details for Hannah Fryer (born abt. 1832) and her husband, Robert Jones.
21st July 2009
Family pages - Added basic information for Luke & Mary Hibbit, the parents of Amos Hibbitt (b. abt 1808), and also his siblings. In addition, amended his biography and that of wife, Mahala (nee Newbold). Also added the beginning of a biography for Lily Sarah Thompson (nee Hellyer), consisting primarily of an obituary and funeral write-up from a local newspaper.
Reports - Updated the reports once again to include the latest changes.
16th July 2009
Resources section - Reorganized the facts and links to come under the new resources heading. Altered the name of the Family Facts section to Surname Facts.
Resources - Transcripts section - Added list of Hibbit/Hibbitt/Hibbet and Newbold/Newbould/Newbolt names from Exton parish records.
14th July 2009
Family pages - Added biography for John Gale Hellier (b. abt. 1844).
8th July 2009
Photos section - Added Exton, Rutland photo page under Hibbitt / Newbold heading.
29th June 2009
Family pages - Added biography for William Worgan (b. abt. 1736). Also added basic information for the children of James (born abt. 1690) & Mary Pitcher.
27th June 2009
Family pages - Added biography for Daniel Bailey.
25th June 2009
Family pages - Added basic details for John and Margaret Worgan and their children. Also basic details for the children of Edward Worgan and Sarah Banister.
19th May 2009
Family pages - Added basic details for the family of James Geake and Sarah May Hellyer.
Reports - Updated the reports to include these latest updates.
12th May 2009
Photos section - Added Dursley Tabernacle photo page under Dando heading.
10th May 2009
Reports - Updated the reports once again to include the latest updates.
7th May 2009
Family pages - Added basic details for the families of William Hellier & wife, Sarah and also John Gale Hellyer and wife, Mary A.
20th April 2009
Family pages - Added details for the Stollery family, namely Joseph Stollery, husband of Emma Free, and children.
28th March 2009
Family pages - Started the biography for Grace Smale (nee Martin) (1857-1925).
Photos section - Added photo page for Grace Smale (nee Martin) & Phyllis Grace Weaver under the Martin / Weaver heading.
26th March 2009
Photos section - Added photo page for Grace Smale (nee Martin) (1857-1925) under the Martin heading. Also photo pages for Alfred Charles Newbold Hibbitt under the Hibbitt heading and for Alice Hibbitt (nee Ridley) under the Ridley heading.
25th March 2009
Family pages - Added more to the biography of Ann Jones. Uploaded the beginnings of my maternal family including the following surnames: Smale, Weaver, Geake, Hellyer, Ball, Dearing, Longman, Horn and Courtis.
Reports - Updated the reports and added new reports for my maternal family.
Photos section - Added photo page for James Geake (born 1881) under Geake heading.
13th February 2009
Photos section - Added photo page of the tomb of John Fryer (b. abt 1695) and wife, Mary (nee King) under the Fryer / King heading.
1st February 2009
Family pages - Added more to the biography of Richard Fryer (b. abt 1792). Also added basic information and beginning of biography for Timothy Pitcher Fryer. Then added basic information for James (b. abt 1690) Pitcher and Mary, his wife, and also John Pitcher (b. abt 1787).
Reports - Updated the reports.
2nd January 2009
Family pages - Added more information about Richard Fryer (b. abt 1792) and two wives, Ann Jones and Ann Bailey Pitcher, together with the basic information and the beginning of the biographies of their children. Also added basic information for Richard's parents, John Fryer (b abt 1762) and Phoebe Taysom, and John's second wife, Caroline Browning and her first husband, William Hall. Then added basic information for John's parents, Richard (b abt 1730) and Mary Fryer. Then Richard's parents, John Fryer (b abt 1695) and Mary King (b abt 1701). Then Mary King's parents, Thomas (b abt 1667) & Margaret King and their son, Richard (b abt 1708).
Reports - Updated the reports.
24th December 2009
Family Tree - Added to the family of William Henry Weaver (b. 1848) and Jane Arnold and also the father and grandparents of Jane. Also added the children and grandchildren of Thomas Fryer (1802-1878) and Sarah Saunders.
10th December 2009
Movies section - Added the video of Sunrise over the Black Mountains under the Fryer / Pitcher heading.
5th December 2009
Gallery section - Added the 'People - (Individuals)' collection to the Gallery and...
Added the following albums within the 'People - (Individuals)' section:
26th November 2009
Movies section - Added the video of St Andrew's Church, Alvington under the Worgan heading.
25th November 2009
Movies section - Added the video of St Peter's Church at Peter Tavy under the Geake heading. Revised the video of Arlingham under the Pitcher/Fryer/Taysum heading.
17th November 2009
Gallery section - Added the a few more images to the 'Arlingham, Gloucestershire' album within the 'Places' section.
14th November 2009
Gallery section - Added the following album within the 'Graves & Memorials' section:
Chepstow, Monmouthshire - Chepstow Municipal Cemetery
9th November 2009
Family Tree - Added the family of Richard Fryer (abt. 1845-1878) and wife, Rebecca (nee Fisher) together with the spouse's and children of their children. Also, the family of John Augustine Fryer (abt 1856-1942) and wife, Mary Ann Julia (nee Girling). Also added the wife, Prudence (nee Gower), and children of John Fryer (abt 1794-1864).
26th October 2009
Family Tree - Added the family of Henry Richard Fryer (abt. 1819-1867) and wife, Ellen Elizabeth (nee Tyler). Also, added Ellen's parents, Charles Tyler & Mary (nee Price), and her siblings. Added children for John Fryer (abt 1817-1892) and his wife, Sarah (nee Watkins). Also added the husband (C J Metcalfe) and family of Louisa Dando (b 1811).
Gallery section - Added the following album within the 'Places' collection:
Black Torrington, Devon
And the following albums within the 'Graves & Memorials' section:
Arlingham, Gloucestershire - St Mary the Virgin's Church & Churchyard
Arlington Virginia USA - Arlington National Cemetery
Plymouth, Devon - Drake Memorial Park
Plymouth, Devon - Plymouth Naval Memorial
Tavistock, Devon - Tavistock War Memorial
Reports - Updated the paternal tree reports to include the latest changes.
16th October 2009
Family Tree - Added wife and children of John Worgan Pitcher (b. abt 1806).
30th September 2009
Gallery section - Created a brand new Gallery section containing the following albums within the 'Places' collection:
Arlingham, Gloucestershire
Arlingham, Gloucestershire - St Mary the Virgin's Church
Coaley, Gloucestershire
Rockhampton, Gloucestershire
16th September 2009
Family Tree - Added details of the family of Benjamin Fryer Pitcher (1835-1894), wife, Miriam Bennett, and children. Also added details for James Rice Pitcher (1803-1863) and wife Ann Powell, and their two children, James George Pitcher, (and his wife, Annie Nolan, and her parents) and Laura Helen Pitcher. Also, Ann Powell's two illegitimate children (Amelia Ann Powell and her husband, Walter Smith, and their children) and William H Pitcher. Also added details for the children of Elizabeth Pitcher (b. abt 1812). Also added Alfred Chudley, the illegitimate child of Alfred Joseph Hibbitt, and his mother, Florence E Bartlett.
Reports - Updated the paternal tree reports to include the latest changes.
9th September 2009
Photos section - Added photographs of the Golden Wedding of James Geake & Sarah Geake (nee Hellyer) to Geake/Hellyer heading.
7th September 2009
Family Tree - Started the biography for James Geake (1881-1956). Also added biographies for Deborah Worgan (1743-1837 and Edward Worgan (1747-1815).
31st August 2009
Photos section - Added more photographs to the ss Great Britain photo page under the Barnes/Oliver heading.
Family Tree - Altered the 'surnames' (family pages) link in the navigation bar to 'family tree'.
Reports - Updated the paternal tree reports and reports for ancestors of C G Hibbitt & I A Dando once again to include the latest changes.
29th August 2009
Family pages - Added the biography of Richard Fryer (abt. 1663-1710).
Resources - Fryer Miscellany section - Updated the story of 6 generations of Fryers of Overton.
21st August 2009
Resources - Fryer Miscellany section - Created this new section under the Resources area. Added the story of 6 generations of Fryers of Overton and also images of Fryer signatures from historical documents.
18th August 2009
Family pages - Added some extra information to the biographies of Richard Fryer (abt. 1730-1792) and John Fryer (abt. 1695-1757). Added additional children for Thomas King and wife, Margaret, and also for Richard Fryer (abt. 1663-1710) and wife, Mary. Added additional children for William Free (abt. 1723-1799) and wife, Elisabeth Fincham. Added parents of William Free (John & Esther Free).
11th August 2009
Family pages - Converted the names of my direct line so that their Christian names, as well as their surnames, are in capital letters. Started a biography for John Fryer (abt. 1695-1757) and added additional children for him and wife, Mary King. Added some extra information to the biography of Richard Fryer (abt. 1730-1792). Also added a short biography for Richard's brother, also Richard (died abt. 1729).
6th August 2009
Family pages - Added more information to the biography of Amos Hibbitt (1808-1880) and a note about his death also in Mary Ann Hibbitt (nee Pitcher)'s biography. Started a biography for Richard Fryer (abt. 1730-1792) and updated the biography for John Fryer (abt. 1762-1816), Richard Fryer (abt 1792-1862), Mary Ann Fryer and Daniel Bailey Pitcher. Added additional children for John Fryer (abt 1762-1816) & his wife, Carolina Hall (nee Browning), also children for Carolina and her first husband, William Hall and parents for Carolina. Also added additional children for Richard Fryer (abt 1730-1792) & his wife, Mary Harvey.
Movies section - Added some additional explanation to the video page of Arlingham taken from Barrow Hill.
28th July 2009
Family pages - Added the biography for John Fryer (1762-1816) and inserted some additional information into the biography of Richard Fryer (1792-1862). Added brief details for Hannah Fryer (born abt. 1832) and her husband, Robert Jones.
21st July 2009
Family pages - Added basic information for Luke & Mary Hibbit, the parents of Amos Hibbitt (b. abt 1808), and also his siblings. In addition, amended his biography and that of wife, Mahala (nee Newbold). Also added the beginning of a biography for Lily Sarah Thompson (nee Hellyer), consisting primarily of an obituary and funeral write-up from a local newspaper.
Reports - Updated the reports once again to include the latest changes.
16th July 2009
Resources section - Reorganized the facts and links to come under the new resources heading. Altered the name of the Family Facts section to Surname Facts.
Resources - Transcripts section - Added list of Hibbit/Hibbitt/Hibbet and Newbold/Newbould/Newbolt names from Exton parish records.
14th July 2009
Family pages - Added biography for John Gale Hellier (b. abt. 1844).
8th July 2009
Photos section - Added Exton, Rutland photo page under Hibbitt / Newbold heading.
29th June 2009
Family pages - Added biography for William Worgan (b. abt. 1736). Also added basic information for the children of James (born abt. 1690) & Mary Pitcher.
27th June 2009
Family pages - Added biography for Daniel Bailey.
25th June 2009
Family pages - Added basic details for John and Margaret Worgan and their children. Also basic details for the children of Edward Worgan and Sarah Banister.
19th May 2009
Family pages - Added basic details for the family of James Geake and Sarah May Hellyer.
Reports - Updated the reports to include these latest updates.
12th May 2009
Photos section - Added Dursley Tabernacle photo page under Dando heading.
10th May 2009
Reports - Updated the reports once again to include the latest updates.
7th May 2009
Family pages - Added basic details for the families of William Hellier & wife, Sarah and also John Gale Hellyer and wife, Mary A.
20th April 2009
Family pages - Added details for the Stollery family, namely Joseph Stollery, husband of Emma Free, and children.
28th March 2009
Family pages - Started the biography for Grace Smale (nee Martin) (1857-1925).
Photos section - Added photo page for Grace Smale (nee Martin) & Phyllis Grace Weaver under the Martin / Weaver heading.
26th March 2009
Photos section - Added photo page for Grace Smale (nee Martin) (1857-1925) under the Martin heading. Also photo pages for Alfred Charles Newbold Hibbitt under the Hibbitt heading and for Alice Hibbitt (nee Ridley) under the Ridley heading.
25th March 2009
Family pages - Added more to the biography of Ann Jones. Uploaded the beginnings of my maternal family including the following surnames: Smale, Weaver, Geake, Hellyer, Ball, Dearing, Longman, Horn and Courtis.
Reports - Updated the reports and added new reports for my maternal family.
Photos section - Added photo page for James Geake (born 1881) under Geake heading.
13th February 2009
Photos section - Added photo page of the tomb of John Fryer (b. abt 1695) and wife, Mary (nee King) under the Fryer / King heading.
1st February 2009
Family pages - Added more to the biography of Richard Fryer (b. abt 1792). Also added basic information and beginning of biography for Timothy Pitcher Fryer. Then added basic information for James (b. abt 1690) Pitcher and Mary, his wife, and also John Pitcher (b. abt 1787).
Reports - Updated the reports.
2nd January 2009
Family pages - Added more information about Richard Fryer (b. abt 1792) and two wives, Ann Jones and Ann Bailey Pitcher, together with the basic information and the beginning of the biographies of their children. Also added basic information for Richard's parents, John Fryer (b abt 1762) and Phoebe Taysom, and John's second wife, Caroline Browning and her first husband, William Hall. Then added basic information for John's parents, Richard (b abt 1730) and Mary Fryer. Then Richard's parents, John Fryer (b abt 1695) and Mary King (b abt 1701). Then Mary King's parents, Thomas (b abt 1667) & Margaret King and their son, Richard (b abt 1708).
Reports - Updated the reports.
Category: What's New at