DNA testing is getting more popular
Part of my Dad's AncestryDNA Match List
A nice surprise popped up in my family's DNA match lists a couple of days ago. Unknown to me, the grand-daughter of a known cousin on my dad's side took the AncestryDNA test. I still have a few gaps in my family tree and having other close relatives tested makes it easier to narrow down on which side of the family to concentrate the search. My dad was an only child and and so was his mother so my only hope of finding a close cousin is on my dad's father's side so you can imagine how thrilled I was to see this match appear.
I remain hopeful that one day I will be able to discover who my 2 x great-grandfather's parents were. My ancestor, Henry Ridley, was born in Birmingham in about 1841 but this is all I know of him. The new cousin match is also descended from Henry and so anyone matching both her and my dad will point to a match on the Hibbitt/Ridley side of the family.
Noted by Ancestry as a 3rd-4th cousin, the relative is actually a 1st cousin 3 times removed to my dad and shares 144 centimorgans across 8 DNA segments. Because older generations share more DNA, I'm looking forward to other members of her family testing too.
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Category: DNA