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Ann Ansley (d. 1728) - Biography -
Biography of Ann Ansley (died 1728) who married Arthur Pitcher and lived in and around Newland, Gloucestershire.
Ann's husband, Arthur Pitcher (d. 1708), is mentioned in the document.
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Benjamin Pitcher (abt. 1774-1857) & Sarah Rice (abt. 1781-1850) - Biography -
Biography of Benjamin Pitcher, the younger, abt. 1774-1857) and his wife, Sarah Rice (abt. 1781-1850). Benjamin was a yeoman/farmer, originally from Rockhampton, but later lived in Uley, both in Gloucestershire. Sarah lived in Slimbridge, Coaley and Uley, Gloucestershire.
The document also mentions Benjamin's uncle and aunt: Daniel Bailey (d. 1808) and Ann Worgan (abt. 1752-1823). Benjamin's will names all of his children, including his married daughters: James [Rice] Pitcher, John [Worgan] Pitcher, Daniel [Bailey] Pitcher, Elizabeth Pitcher, William [Worgan] Pitcher, Sarah Powell, Mary Richmond, Timothy Pitcher and his deceased daughter, Ann [Bailey] Fryer, in addition to his grandsons, William Worgan Pitcher and John Pitcher.
(Please note: You may also like the document, Hodgecombe Farm, Uley, Goucestershire, available within the Pitcher, Powell and Rice sections of the E-Shop.)
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Hodgecombe Farm, Uley, Gloucestershire -
A 2-document bundle! 1. Hodgecombe Farm - 1971 Auctioneer's Details 2. Hodgecombe Farm, A Brief History
During the 19th century, Hodgecombe Farm was the home of Benjamin Pitcher and his wife, Sarah (nee Rice). Afterwards, the farm was managed by their eldest son, James Rice Pitcher, and his wife, Ann (nee Powell).
(Please note: you may also like the document, Benjamin Pitcher (abt. 1774-1857) & Sarah Rice (abt. 1781-1850) - Biography, available within the Pitcher and Rice sections of the E-Shop.)
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James Rice (abt. 1752-1829) - Last Will and Testament (Transcript) -
A transcript of the Last Will and Testament of James Rice (abt. 1752-1829). James was a yeoman who lived in Coaley in Gloucestershire and Slimbridge before that.
James' wife and daughter, both called Betty Rice, are mentioned in the document, as are his other adult children, Edward Rice, Sarah Pitcher and Ann Savage. Ann's husband, Joseph Savage is an executor.
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