Sorting Saturday: 'My Library' in Google Books

I recently discovered a useful facility within Google Books - I'm not sure if it's new or been around for a while but if you're anything like me you'll come across something new about an ancestor in a book in Google and forget to make a note of it there and then. This is where 'My library' comes into its own.

Sign into Google with your Google account, go to Google Books and you'll see a menu on the left called 'My library'. When you find a book you want to save, just click on the 'Add to My Library' link in the left-hand menu. If you've created new bookshelves (ie. categories) you can add the books straight into them. I've so far categorized my bookshelves by surname.

Once a book is in your library you can add a note. This is where I write a brief explanation of what I've found of interest in the book together with the page number so I can easily identify what I'm looking for when I'm ready to document my sources.

'My Library' in Google Books
'My Library' in Google Books

[Why Sorting Saturday? This phrase has been included in the title in order to take part in Daily Blogging Prompts at Geneabloggers]

Category: General

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Thanks for this - it is something I did not know about and must investigate.
I have known about the My Library feature in Google Books for quite awhile. Thank you for sharing the information about the Note feature. I seem to have overlooked it!
Thanks, I didn't know about the note feature. I have to check that out.
Thanks. I've been using google books for some time but didn't note about the feature. I agree that lots of us need to check this out.

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